Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Technology today is starting to turn books in to antiques stored on shelves for decoration in households and "Games" by Steven Johnson discusses just that.  Johnson believes that many benefits come from reading books, from the information conveyed by the book itself to the mental work done by the hippocampus to process and store that information which exercises the brain.  Video games have benefits as well like hand-eye coordination and helping to develop quick reaction speed but also video games tell a story of there own that can play out many different ways immersing the player in to the digital world.  Knowledge based games do exist but Johnson still believes that books are more rich for the mind and have the ability to shape a person for the better.  Video games aren't the only things pulling today's youth away from books, social media and television also take there toll on the absence of books in society but as the world becomes more digital so do books and this change may encourage children and young adults to read more.

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